Normal-type Pokémon weaknesses

Waar zijn Pokémon van het normale type zwak tegen?

Pokémon battles require knowing type matchups, especially for Normal-type Pokémon. These versatile creatures have specific weaknesses that affect their battle performance1.

Normal-type Pokémon struggle against Fighting-type moves in combat. These attacks deal heavy damage, making Normal-types vulnerable in matchups23.

However, Normal-type Pokémon have a unique defense. They’re immune to Ghost-type moves, giving them an edge in certain battles21.

Trainers must grasp these weaknesses to build effective strategies. Knowing how to use these traits can determine battle outcomes.

Belangrijkste punten

  • Normal-type Pokémon are most vulnerable to Fighting-type moves
  • Ghost-type moves have no effect on Normal-type Pokémon
  • Strategic team building is essential to mitigate type weaknesses
  • Begrip type matchups provides a competitive edge
  • Defensive capabilities can offset potential vulnerabilities

Understanding Normal-Type Pokémon Basics

Normal-type Pokémon are a key group in the Pokémon world. They offer unique gevechtstactieken and strategic chances for trainers. These versatile creatures are crucial for both offense and defense in various battles4.

Normal-type Pokémon have special traits in the Pokémon universe. They have some interesting type advantages that make them stand out5.

  • No super effective damage against any type4
  • Immune to Ghost-type attacks4
  • Vulnerable to Fighting-type moves6

Basic Battle Characteristics

Normal-type Pokémon shine in basic combat with simple yet strong moves. Their attacks include classics like Tackle, Scratch, En Pound. These moves deal steady damage, making them reliable in many battles6.

Unique Abilities and Strategies

Trainers can use special abilities to boost Normal-type Pokémon performance. Abilities such as Aanpassingsvermogen En Guts can greatly improve their battle skills. These powers can turn average fighters into tough opponents6.

Ability Effect
Aanpassingsvermogen Increases Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB)
Guts Boosts Attack when suffering status conditions

Strategic Battle Considerations

Normal-type Pokémon have limits, but smart trainers can make the most of them. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses is key. Careful team building and smart move choices help overcome their weakness to Fighting-type attacks6.

Normal-type Pokémon Weaknesses

Normal-type Pokémon have a unique vulnerability in battles. Their primary weakness is Fighting-type moves, which deal super-effective damage78. This single weakness makes Normal-types intriguing in Pokémon battles7.

Fighting-type moves pack a powerful punch against Normal-types. They can inflict up to 3x damage with a 2x multiplier and same-type attack bonus7. Trainers must be cautious when facing Fighting-type opponents.

  • Normal-type Pokémon are weak only to Fighting moves
  • Fighting moves receive a 1.5x STAB bonus against Normal-types
  • Dual-type Normal Pokémon can potentially negate this weakness8

Normal-type Pokémon have a unique defensive advantage: immunity to ghost attacks89. This immunity gives trainers a strategic edge in certain battle scenarios. It allows them to block Ghost-type moves completely.

Trainers can reduce these weaknesses through smart team building and move choices. Techniques like Terastilization can help Normal-types adjust their vulnerabilities9. Begrip type matchups is key to creating effective battle plans.

Defensive Strategies for Normal-Type Pokémon

Normal-type Pokémon need smart gevechtstactieken for protection. Trainers must know their weaknesses, especially against Fighting-type attacks10. Smart defense is key to winning battles.

Effective Counter Moves

Trainers can use type advantages for better defense. Here are some key protective techniques:

  • Gebruik makend van Beschermen En Detect moves to temporarily shield Pokémon
  • Employing priority moves like Extreme Speed or Fake Out11
  • Utilizing support moves such as Helping Hand in Doubles Battles11

Building a Balanced Team

A strong team is vital for defending Normal-type Pokémon. Pairing them with Psychic or Flying-types can cover their weaknesses10.

Consider these strategic pairings:

  • Psychic-types to resist Fighting moves
  • Flying-types that provide additional type coverage
  • Pokémon with abilities that enhance defensive capabilities

Protection Against Fighting-Type Attacks

Normal-type Pokémon take double damage from Fighting-type moves12. Focus on these defensive strategies:

  • Predicting and avoiding Fighting-type attacks
  • Switching to Pokémon with Fighting-type resistance
  • Equipping items that boost defensive stats

Use these defensive tactics to boost your Normal-type Pokémon’s battle skills. Understanding type advantages is crucial for success101112.


Grijpen Normal-type Pokémon weaknesses is key for effective battle plans. These Pokémon make up about 20% of all species. Their versatility shines through their ability to learn various move types.

Trainers must recognize Normal-type Pokémon’s vulnerabilities. Fighting-type moves are their biggest threat. This creates complex battle dynamics that need smart strategies.

Normal-type Pokémon have an average base stat total of 500. This puts them in the mid-range of power levels. They offer balanced performance in competitive battles.

Smart trainers see Normal-types as flexible team members. Their comprehensive weakness chart shows complex type interactions. These can be used for tactical advantages in battles.

Mastering Normal-type Pokémon takes time and practice. Understanding type matchups is crucial. Their 15% usage in tournaments shows their competitive relevance.

Try different strategies with these versatile Pokémon. You’ll unlock their full potential and become a stronger trainer1314.

Veelgestelde vragen

What makes Fighting-type moves super effective against Normal-type Pokémon?

Fighting-type moves deal double damage to Normal-type Pokémon. This advantage comes from the Pokémon battle system’s type matchup. Trainers must be strategic to defend against these powerful attacks.

Are there any attacks that Normal-type Pokémon are immune to?

Normal-type Pokémon can’t be hurt by Ghost-type attacks. This immunity gives them a unique edge in certain battles. It’s a key strategy when facing Ghost-type foes.

What are some effective defensive strategies for Normal-type Pokémon?

Protect and Detect moves can shield Normal-type Pokémon from Fighting-type attacks. Pairing them with Psychic or Flying-type teammates creates a stronger defense. These tactics help build a more balanced team.

Which items can help improve a Normal-type Pokémon’s defense?

Some items can boost a Normal-type Pokémon’s defense against Fighting-type moves. Others increase overall defensive abilities. For example, Eviolite can greatly enhance a Pokémon’s defensive stats.

Do Normal-type Pokémon have any special advantages in battle?

Normal-type Pokémon are known for their versatility in battle. They can learn a wide range of moves. Many have access to powerful Normal-type attacks that work well against various opponents.

How can I minimize the vulnerability of my Normal-type Pokémon?

Build a team that covers Normal-type Pokémon’s weaknesses. Use strategic switching and defensive moves. Choose Pokémon with abilities that reduce damage from Fighting-type attacks.

Are there any notable Normal-type Pokémon that are particularly strong?

Snorlax, Blissey, and Porygon-Z are standout Normal-type Pokémon. They have unique abilities and impressive stats. When used wisely, these Pokémon can be tough opponents in battle.


  1. Normal-type Pokemon: Weaknesses & Strengths explained – Dexerto –
  2. Normal (type) –
  3. Every Pokemon Type And What It’s Weak To –
  4. Pokemon GO Guide: Every Type’s Strengths and Weaknesses –
  5. Type –
  6. Pokemon Types – Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow Guide – IGN –
  7. All Normal-type Pokemon weaknesses, explained –
  8. All Normal-type Pokemon weaknesses & resistances – Charlie INTEL –
  9. All Normal-type weaknesses and counters in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet –
  10. Pokémon Go Type Effectiveness and Weakness Chart –
  11. All Normal-Type Pokémon Weaknesses and Strategy –
  12. Pokemon Type Chart – Strengths, Weaknesses, and Effectiveness – Pokemon Sword and Shield Guide – IGN –,_Weaknesses,_and_Effectiveness
  13. Pokémon Type Effectiveness Guide | Dittobase –
  14. Pokemon – What is Normal-type Actually About? –

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